The works published in our quarterly concern the broadly understood technology of wood and furniture, but also the wood and furniture industry, the service market in the wood and furniture industry, management of services, enterprises and production processes. It is worth noting that as part of social sciences in the disciplines of economics and finance, management and quality sciences, we publish scientific articles that characterize innovative forms of functioning and management in the wood and furniture industry.

Scientific discipline: Forestry Another main area Science: Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all)
Category Thomson Reuters (Main): Materials Science, Paper & Wood
Categories Thomson Reuters: Toxicology, Mycology, Materials Science, Paper &Wood, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Biomaterials, Management, Materials Science, Characterization & Testing, Forestry, Chemistry,
Applied Category Scimago (Main): Agricultural and Biological Sciences / Forestry Categories Scimago: Business, Management and Accounting /Management of Technology and Innovation, Engineering / Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Engineering / Mechanics of Materials, Environmental Science / Waste Management and Disposal, Materials Science / Biomaterials