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The study of selected properties of black poplar wood (Populus nigra L.) subjected to furfurylation and polymerization in lumen. The aim of this work was studying black poplar wood (Populus nigra L.) selected properties modified with furfuryl alcohol and styrene. Maleic anhydride and glicydyl methacrylate were used as cross-linking agents. For modified wood samples the index of WPG, density, hardness, water absorbability, colour change and volume swelling were tested. Each test results were compared with values for unmodified black poplar wood. During furfurylation process density of poplar wood samples increased up to 1.3 times. Addition of maleic anhydride to furfurylation process caused increase of WPG index about 5-6 % and at the same time slightly decrease of wood Brinell hardness. Water absorbability and volume swelling of furfurylated poplar wood after 10080 min (168 h) of soaking in water were reduced more than 50% relative to unmodified wood. Polymerization in lumen with using styrene caused increase of density up to 2 times, increase of Brinell hardness up to 1.5 times, while WPG index was in the range from 50.8 to 116.6%. For polymerization in lumen process, water absorbability and volume swelling after 10080 min (168 h) of soaking in water were reduced more than half as well. Furfurylation caused intensive wood darkening when polymerization in lumen changed wood colour slightly. Addition of maleic anhydride to furfuryl alcohol caused an even greater darkening of the wood. The studies proved, that chemical modification
significantly improved selected properties of poplar wood.
Article Details
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