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Analysis of the influence of particle and poplar fibres share on selected properties of particle-fibre boards. As a part of the study, one-layer particle-fibre boards with 12 mm thick and of average density 650 kg/m3 were manufactured from plantation poplar ‘Hybrid 275’ wood.. For the control variant a typical industrial raw material (pine wood) was used. The following properties were determined for the boards: modulus of rapture (MOR), density profile, modulus of elasticity at static bending (MOE), internal bond (IB), thickness swelling (TS) after 2h and 24h soaking in water. On the basis of conducted study, it was found that the addition of poplar fibers to particle-fibre boards in most cases has a positive effect on the values of determined properties – an increase in strength was noted, except for internal bond (IB). In the case of thickness swelling of the boards after 24 h soaking in water, it was noted that with the increase in the share of poplar fibers in the boards, the value of the tested property decreased (which was not clear in the case of thickness swelling of boards after 2 h soaking in water).
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