In Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Forestry and Wood Technology is a quarterly magazine devoted to the problems of the forest management and utilization of timber. The journal provides a forum for dissemination of knowledge and exchange of scientific information in the forestry and wood science fields. Journal is intended for scientists and engineers involved in the various aspects of forestry and wood technology, willing to learn about the latest research carried out in Europe and the world. The magazine prints original work, deals with research in the following areas: forest botany, plant physiology, wood, management and protection of forest resources, dendrochronology, structure and properties of wood, raw material base, basic chemical processes, physico-chemical processing of wood and lignocellulosic materials, technical issues, technological and economic benefits of materials engineering, wood structures and other wood products, ecological analysis of technological processes used in the woodworking industry, modern materials for the production of wood composites, wood machining, etc. It also contains descriptions of the issues and reviews, allowing for a broader view of the analyzed problem.
The magazine is primarily scientific in nature, aiming in promotion of knowledge of the forestry and wood technology, rapidly developing in recent years. (more)
Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University - Forestry and Wood Technology
1898-5912 (print), 2719-6518 (online)
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MNiSW points: 20 (2021)